As leading radiology specialists in veterinary imaging, having completed radiology residences at the University of Pennsylvania, the Lynks Group team of radiologists offers ultrasound imaging for your patients. We offer thoracic, abdominal, ocular, pregnancy, and musculoskeletal imaging. Ultrasonic images are instantaneously reviewed by the radiologist performing the ultrasound. Once an ultrasound is complete, the radiologist will contact you, the referring veterinarian, to inform you of the results of the ultrasound study and to discuss your patient’s case. After speaking with you, the radiologist will meet with your client to inform them of the imaging results, let them know what your recommendations may be, and to answer all of their questions. We are truly dedicated to being compassionate, caring, and knowledgeable in letting you know quickly about the results of your patient’s ultrasounds, to inform your clients of their pet’s ultrasound results, and to make sure that your client is aware of your recommendations for follow up care. We enjoy helping all of our referring veterinarians, their clients, and patients. You will receive an ultrasound report either by fax or e-mail.
In trying to decide if an ultrasound is appropriate for your patient, please always feel free to call and talk to a radiologist.
Due to the variations in implantation in dogs, ultrasounds to detect pregnancy can be done as early as 24 days post breeding. Pregnancy ultrasounds are useful to determine litter size and the viability of the puppies (heart rate appropriate to developmental stage). Please note that fetus counts are more accurately determined in smaller litter sizes and may be hard to accurately access in larger sized litters. Puppy viability can be checked at any time of a dog’s pregnancy, this is done accurately by comparing heart rates with gestational age.
• Please send us referral information by fax or e-mail.
• Please make sure to always include any recent blood work results and recent office visit information related to the current condition.
• If radiographs have previously been obtained relating to your patient’s current condition, please send them with your clients to the appointment or send them to us digitally (e-mailed).
1. Do the patients need to be sedated for the exam? Generally no. Only when a patient is extremely anxious or aggressive/fractious do we consider using sedation in order to perform an ultrasound. Please note, that this is a rare event since we work hard to try to comfort patients by working in a calming, quiet environment with staff dedicated to caring for the patient’s wellbeing.
2. Can my clients be present for their pet’s ultrasound? We have found that most patients tend to be calmer and relax more when their owners are not present. As you are aware, sometimes owner’s worries/concerns can inadvertently affect their pet’s behavior. We ask clients to rest assured that our top priority is excellent pet care and safe handling, which we place on the top of our list. We also find that the radiologists are able to perform their exams much quicker without the owner being present, which is beneficial to making the exam time much shorter for the patient.
3. When will I know the results of the ultrasound? You will be updated by phone by the radiologist as soon as the ultrasound is complete. You will also be sent, either by fax or e-mail, a complete ultrasound report. The radiologist will allow you to fully decide where you would like your patient referred (if needed) for further medical care, diagnostic, therapeutic, and/or surgical intervention. We strongly believe in making sure that your wishes for your patient’s care are honored and that your client is aware of your recommendations for your patient.
4. Are there any associated fees for the radiologist informing our clients of their pet’s ultrasound results? There are no additional charges to your client, the radiologist consult is part of our ultrasound fees.
5. Can the patient be feed the morning of the ultrasound? Generally, unless for medical reasons (i.e. diabetes), it is not a bad idea for the patient to be fasted the day of the exam. Access to water is always acceptable.
6. Should the patient have a full bladder for the ultrasound? Generally no. If however, you have concerns about your patient’s urinary health and would like us to perform an ultrasound guided cystocentesis, please try to advise your clients to make sure that their pet does not urinate before coming in to the hospital. Please indicate on your referral form if you would like us to perform an ultrasound guided cystocentesis. Also, please let us know if you would like us to send the sample out to the lab or to have your client bring the sample back to your hospital for analysis.
7. Will the patient need to be shaved for their ultrasound? Typically yes, since image clarity is enhanced without the hair.
8. Do you do echocardiograms? No. We recommend that all echocardiograms be performed by a board certified cardiologist. We recommend that any patient with cardiac issues schedule appointments with Dr. Don Brown of Vermont Veterinary Cardiology; who also sees patients at Peak Veterinary Referral Center.
9. What days and times can you do an ultrasound for my client? Typically, we schedule ultrasound appointments for Tuesday thru Friday from 9am to 5pm. If your patient needs an ultrasound due to the critical nature of their case, please feel free to contact Peak Veterinary Referral Center to see if a radiologist is available to come in for an ultrasound at other times.